Jeremy Ayer (born in Fribourg-CH, 1986) is a photographer based in Zürich. He makes use of appropriation strategies, by mimicking various types of image genres, such as product, industrial, and catalogue photography, in order to deconstruct codes and aesthetics in the photographic medium.Through subtle gestures with the apparatus, such as shift of contexts, tools and materials, Ayer photographs seemingly ubiquitous subjects in a quantitative and protocol-based manner. He reactivates these subjects through a process of high-resolution straight-on photography, creating an image-based critique of the relationship between the authentic and the constructed, and between commercial and artistic modes of expression. He majored in photography from Ecal (Lausanne) in 2012, and in Fine Arts from ZhdK (Zürich) in 2018. His first monograph “Organs of A Divided Labour - Pipes and Fittings” was recently published by Mörel Books in London and was granted with a Swiss Design Award in 2022.
For applied photography works visit: Jeremy Ayer Studio.
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